Nathara Bailey


Nathara Bailey

Nathara Bailey is a Clinical PsyD student. She holds a Masters of Arts in Psychology in Education from Teachers College.

Nathara Bailey, is a Clinical PsyD student. She holds a Masters of Arts in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.  Nathara also received her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Ethnic studies from Sarah Lawrence College.  She has experience starting and assisting with building programs that address issues on equality, social justice, and access to mental health care. Nathara is currently working to support our team with continued education needs such as licensure exam preparation for our LCSW staff members, who are studying for their examinations and other development projects that are focused on improving the well-being of our staff family.  Nathara is passionate about working with diverse populations and being an advocate for culturally relevant mental health treatment for all. When she is not working, Nathara enjoys being active outside, reading, and traveling.

Trust Therapeutics Mental Health Teletherapy Boston


[email protected]
Trust Therapeutics, LLC
100 Cambridge St. 14th Floor
Boston, MA 02114

Insurance Accepted

Trust Therapeutics Teletherapy for Everyone
Medicare accepted
Trust Therapeutics Teletherapy for Everyone
Fallon Health
Trust Therapeutics Teletherapy for Everyone
Trust Therapeutics Teletherapy for Everyone
United Healthcare
Mass health
Allways Health

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